martes, 17 de julio de 2012

Importance of english

Actually, everybody, who faces the professional and laboral work, has to feel very close to the difficulties of English. The technology, science and advances of the world, shows us this “foreign” language as an element for the construction of an excellent life-project, giving positive support  to the people who are interested in a language that nowadays  the Universal Language.importance of english 
Computers, Electronic, and health world require English. Most of the theories are written and spoken in English, even more when the globalization phenomenon has come and shorter distances require that everybody speaks the same language that allows communication and the elaboration of new perspectives and ideas full of diversity of thoughts and multiple intelligences, English will be there.
What I have said before, is not unkown for many people, so I just want to make a call for students to love and feel motivation for English, knowing that for some of us it is hard its learning; “How bored is English” it’s heard by the streets, but there are more advantages for people who speak English than for people who don’t know how to speak or write this Language.

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